Eight years ago, there lived an ordinary housewife with a dedicated passion in vegetarian food. And she has a little dream; she hopes to prepare delicious and healthy vegetarian food for as many people as possible out there, spreading the joy of vegan diet. So she set out looking for a suitable location, looking for the furniture and equipment, looking for all the necessities in making her little dream come true. She worked doubly hard. She worked abnormally hard. Troubles and hard times were inevitable. But her faith and love for vegetarian food keeps her trudging on. Eight years later, her little dream is a dream no more. It has become what we see today on the second floor of Quality Hotel Singapore- Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant.
~Photos are courtesy of Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant
She cooks the food from her heart , she builds the dream with her hands, and she shares the meaning of the meatless journey from her smiles, here at Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant.