Monday, June 20, 2011

“百亿打造的十堂服务课 ”的学习要点



- 问候亲切且得宜,不会冒失地刻意攀熟,从亲切但不逾越的安心距离中,建立顾客对饭店的信赖

- 站在顾客的立场


4) 成为绅士淑女,其责任相对重大,不是听命办事所能比疑的。

- “我们是服务绅士与淑女的绅士与淑女 ”

- 对等的关系

- 互敬的气氛


- 有没有微笑接听电话

- 微笑—因为我们站在舞台上

- 乐在其中, 五感并用,细心感受



8) 热情, 是影响周遭的原动力




12) 技术可由在职训练养成,人格却难籍在职教育重塑面试问题-你最近读过什么书?那本书最感动你是什么?你上个月有为了讨家人欢心而特地做哪些事情吗?假设,你的同事不是很愿意配合或支授你的工作,你会怎么做?

13) 给新人发挥创意的机会-新进员工比较能够发现一些资深员工已经习以为常,视而不见的问题

14) 异业结盟,是品牌策略的活棋

15) 超越服务的那瞬间,让顾客由‘满意 ’变‘感动 ’,由‘感动 ’变‘感谢 ’,成为顾客喜爱的品牌

16) 技能可以透过训练精进,品格却很难透过训练改变。人格,是个人本身就有的才能之一;企业必须像挖掘砖石原石一样去发觉它,把它放到企业哲学和理念这部研磨机器上加上成品格。

17) 想提高服务品质,一定要先训练自己的想象力。等到想象力有了,判断能力也足够的时候,服务技能自然也会变好。

18) 用爱对待顾客

19) 乘持‘永远替顾客着想,不断努力,只为以最好的服务款待顾客 ’的信念,为顾客服务,渐渐地,信念就会变成习惯,而习惯又会变成人格特质。

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Go Green Go Vegan

Go Green

The caption: Activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) organized a “Go Green, Go Vegan” campaign in Kuala Lumpur on 7 June 2011. The small rally was organized to appeal to Malaysians to switch to a healthier, more humane and eco-friendly vegetarian diet.

以出位抗争手法著称的善待动物组织在 6月7日2011年再度“出招”,成员出现在吉隆坡街头,为其“选择绿色,选择纯素食 ”运动造势。活动旨在鼓励马来西亚民众改变饮食习惯,尝试更健康,人道与环保的素食。

~ Courtesy of My Paper ,8 June 2011

Let’s spread the Love. Let’s spread Green!

Lotus and GreenDot, JIAYOU :)

Reviews by Yilina’s friends

Here are some reviews provided by Yilina's friends after their expeience last week!


Having our JC class reunion with a dinner in a vegetarian restaurant was certainly a new and unique experience for me. After all, a class outing at a vegetarian restaurant is rare, and this was my first time having a vegetarian meal at a restaurant.

Before the meal, I was quite sceptical about how pleasing vegetarian dishes would be. My father abstains from meat on 初一十五 (First and Fifteenth) of each month in the lunar calendar, thus I did experience days eating only vegetables and honestly, I did not really look forward to those days. However, the restaurant managed to prepare the food very well. Dishes were delicious, complete with aesthetic appeal. I was particularly impressed by the meticulous effort made by the chefs in making mock meat dishes look like its original form. Service was excellent and personal, with the waiters catering to every need. They explained each dish in detail as they served it, and asked for feedback about how the dish tasted.

As for vegetarianism, I believe that it is a good thing as consuming meat has been shown to leave a larger carbon footprint which causes environmental concerns. Becoming a vegetarian is also a natural approach to wellness, decreasing the risks of a considerable number of diseases and cancer, and also a way to stand up for animal welfare. However, to most people, meat tends to taste nicer than vegetables. Furthermore, the availability of meat means it is hard for one to completely exclude meat from our diet. As for me, I guess I’ll stick to following my father’s 初一十五 vegetarian diet for the time being!
- Brian Michael Luminary, 19

Excellent service and food! I never expected vegetarian food to taste so much like non-vegetarian food since it was my first time trying. Definitely above what I have expected! People probably still view vegetarianism as a meal that is bland and not very appetising, but this restaurant proves otherwise!
- Cynthia Kusumawardhani, 19

Yilina’s Class Gatherin’

Today, Yilina's class had a gathering at our restaurant. Not only was it a pleasant night when old friends got together and enjoyed each others' company, but it was also a great learning experience for the greenies in GreenDot, be it the diners or the hosts.

From feedback provided by the diners, the food was much better than expected as many of them who were not exposed to much vegetarian food (other than the ones sold at hawker centres) thought that a vegetarian meal is equivalent to vegetables and deep fried flour products only. Hence, tonight's meal was an eye opener as they got to savour such fine vegetarian cuisine.

The main servers for the dinner were Yonghong and Justin who did a good job in introducing vegetarianism to the guests and providing background information regarding some of the dishes.

However, tonight's experience allowed the greenies to discover minute details that would otherwise have gone unnoticed if not for the personal encounters the two of them had today. Firstly, they learnt that while knowing about the restaurant and the dishes were essential, it is also important to be well rehearsed with the lines so as to appear more confident and professional when providing these information to the customers. The second learning point would be the service process starting from the point of arrival of the customers. Knowing how to present a good impression right from the start of the dinner experience is definitely a plus point which will let customers feel comfortable and valued.


In general, everyone had a great time tonight and many thanks to Lotus’ thoughtfulness in presenting such a delectable spread which the group of ten youths enjoyed!

The Greenies

Just as Lotus is striving to share more plant-based dishes with more people, a group of five concerned youths has joined us in this meatless journey. Like Lotus, they have a burning passion to spread the idea of vegetarianism, to spread the love of life. 

The four-guy-and-one-girl team is still pursuing their studies in the universities. Yet they have made a choice to add a little extraordinary adventures to their ordinary schooling lives, by coloring their lives green. To them, this meatless journey that they have chosen to embark on, has a greater purpose than bringing delicious vegetarian food to the people, and spreading the love of life. In this meatless journey, they have a mission to spread the message of green, to make a green influence to the people in one way or another.

GreeniesAbove picture: GreenDot-- (from the left) Sky, Yilina, Leonard, Yong Hong and Justin

They, the GreenDot, will show you that eating has a greater purpose. 

They will show you how your small step can make a world of difference.  


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